
How to Onboard the Historical Bulk Data

Original Data

We download the original data from Kaggle:

Save this in data/original/btcusd_1-min_data.csv.

NB: At time of writing, there is a spurious false record in the very last row of the dataset. Manually delete this, or use sed -i '$ d' btcusd_1-min_data.csv to remove it.

Missing Data

The original dataset has missing data, and a collection of gaps has graciously been shared:

Extract and save this in data/original/missing_ohlc_data_all_gaps_as_of_1736148000.csv.

Processing the Merged, Bulk Data

  1. Follow the above download and save steps
  2. Run python scripts/ to merge the gap data into the bulk data

The script will print out the missing timestamps (known issue), and truncate the data up to the first missing timestamp.

Data integrity is validated (no duplicate timestamps, no missing values), and finally saved in data/historical/btcusd_bitstamp_1min_2012-2025.csv

After Processing

Inspect the data using python scripts/

Zip before uploading to github:

gzip -k data/historical/btcusd_bitstamp_1min_2012-2025.csv

Now you’re ready to run the update script:

python scripts/

This will save Bitstamp data since the bulk, historical dataset was last updated in a separate file, located in data/updates/btcusd_bitstamp_1min_latest.csv.

Want to Know More?

See .github/workflows/update-automation.yml for how the data is kept up-to-date.